Let this be where my public journey really begins...
The internet has evolved a lot in the last few years. Here's how I'm adapting.
Some Jim Rohn inspiration and a smidgen of introspection
Life's a little bit crazy sometimes. But it's nice to have something to come back to.
You may be familiar with budgeting money, but what about time? Here's a different perspective...
It's not what you think. But you'll be better for it.
Thoughts on the modern vision of sexy entrepreneurship
Life happens, regardless of my involvement. It's time to get involved.
Maybe there's something to the "fake it 'til you make it" line...
An anecdote about not doing what you know you should.
The future is important but it's made up of a whole bunch of "right now"
A little reminder for those tough days that we all have from time to time.
What does monsoon season have to do with entrepreneurship?
More often than not, the uncomfortable things are the most necessary.