We're gonna get there no matter what

Some Jim Rohn inspiration and a smidgen of introspection

As Jim Rohn said: "Ten years from now you shall surely arrive. The question is: where?"

I've been thinking about that alot.

This is my 34th year of life.

If you'd asked me 10 years ago where I'd be now I surely wouldn't have told you I'd be within an hour drive of where I grew up, no hair, still stressing about money, taking care of two dogs, not owning a house, and occasionally acting as a home away from home for my mom.

But here I am.

So then....it's quite obvious I didn't architect this part of my life.

I have ended up here through a series of twists and turns, the consequences of the myriad actions I did and didn't take.

Usually when reacting in the moment instead of being proactive in accordance with the (nonexistent) grand vision for myself.

I'm not happy about that.

So, as any logical person would do, I'm going to decide where I want to go and break it down into manageable chunks to pursue over the next decade.

And as lifelong learners, you and I both know that accountability is important so I'm thinking I'll share that plan publicly once it's ready so I can look like an idiot when it doesn't pan out.

Or a genius when it does.

Anyway, while this one was incredibly self-focused, I think the takeaway is this:

We're all going somewhere and there are only two options: we either decide where that is or we don't.

Or we die, but that's a whole other thing...