My Journey to $1M Net Worth - March 2024

Let this be where my public journey really begins...

So, here I am, about to hit 35 years on this big floating rock, and what's on my mind?

The whopping $113,586 of debt staring me down.

Not exactly the birthday vibes anyone wishes for.

Let's break it down

There's $1,100 in my bank account, a rent bill of $1,500 due today (oops), $450 child support bill also due today, $350 credit line bill due 5 days ago, and plenty of debt servicing bills coming up soon.

All of which comes together for a net worth of......

A whopping negative $112,412

At this point I'm 100% dependent on my remaining lines of credit to survive (dear Bank of Texas and Capital One please don't slap me with a surprise credit line reduction this month).

How did I get here? Well, let's just say it's been a rollercoaster ride of

  • failed business ventures ($25,336)
  • vehicle loans ($4,919)
  • dodgy tax planning ($23,683)
  • student loans that won't quit ($5,767)
  • impulse buys that haunt me ($10,813)
  • and some not-so-smart dabbling in crypto "investments" ($43,068)

Yes, I've made some questionable choices.

I'm not looking for a pity party.

This mess is entirely self-inflicted. I own it.

But here's the thing: I'm not the same person who got into this mess.

I've evolved, learned some hard lessons, and I'm ready to tackle this head-on.

So here's the plan

I've got this crazy idea to flip the script and turn that negative net worth into a cool $1 million by the time I hit 38.

Ambitious? Sure. But what's life without a little challenge, right?

First things first, though—I've got to figure out how to keep the lights on and pay these pesky bills.

Once that's sorted, I'm diving headfirst into crafting a game plan to claw my way out of debt and into financial freedom.

Hoping to be able to commit some time to that later this month and will for sure keep you updated.

The upshot

This isn't really about the money (though it'll be pretty sweet to hit millionaire status eventually).

This journey is about growth, resilience, and proving to myself that I've got what it takes to turn things around.

I'd really like this to serve as an inspiration for others that are feeling down on themselves or that their luck has run out.

You don't lose until you give up.

As I make this journey, a little moral support wouldn't hurt. So, if you've got any good vibes to spare, send 'em my way 🙏

As I stand on the brink of my 35th year, I'm ready to hustle, grind, and hustle some more. This isn't just about making bank—it's about rewriting my story and showing others what's possible.

So, here's to the journey—from broke to millionaire.

Let's do this.